Increased Resource, Sharing and Utilization
Enabling a collaborative environment is needed to achieve results that require multiple users or organizations to work together. Whether sharing resources, best practices, data or any other element to achieve a shared end result, organizations need the computing environment and its governing rules to support this collaboration. The following are examples of capabilities, which contribute to effective collaboration:
Multi-Cluster Workload Management
- Enable Collaboration and Resource Sharing with Consolidating Access to Multiple Clusters into a Grid
Share excess capacity on multiple clusters by consolidating them under a single workload manager. Grids enable users, groups and projects to more easily share resource and data.
Group Sharing Policies
- Enable Collaboration by Overcoming Political Barriers
With group sharing policies, organizations get the controls they need to efficiently share a cluster between multiple groups and the ability to align resource usage to business objectives. Balance competing needs while still maintaining high utilization. For example capabilities include Account and QoS credential rights, Hierarchical Fairshare, Advanced Prioritization, Preemption, and Administrative Reservations.
Usage Accounting
- Manage Service Delivery Enforcement, Usage-based Accounting, and optional Chargeback
Collaboration and sharing is easier when participating organizations can clearly see what was used by whom and that they received their promised allocation. Accounting Manager is a fast, easy-to-use accounting management system that allows showback and chargeback for usage tracking and charging for resource or service usage in virtually any computing environments.
Docker Container Support
- Enable Workload Mobility to Other Systems
Help users encapsulate the OS and library requirements needed for their application so it can be easily transmitted to another cluster, or even to the cloud where they can collaborate with other users, and project spaces.
To speak to an Adaptive Computing solutions advisor, email us at info@adaptivecomputing.com or call us at +1 (239) 330-6093.