Cost Management and Capacity Planning
Cost reduction and efficiency help an organization reinvest their resources and saved funds into achieving higher results, profits or competitiveness. Efficiency/savings can be achieved by improving utilization, processes, or behavior associated with resource usage. The following are examples of capabilities, which contribute to cost reduction and efficiency:
Multi-Cluster Workload Management
- Utilize Excess Capacity of Multiple Clusters
Share excess capacity on multiple clusters through consolidating them under a single workload manager. Grids enable users, groups and projects to more easily share resources and data.
Advanced Resource Management
- Maintain Resource Efficiency on Heterogeneous Clusters
As clusters are scaled up to meet the needs of multiple groups, inevitably the application requirements of those groups require different resource configurations to optimize their application performance. Moab’s Advanced Resource Management capabilities add Node Allocation Policies, Node Set resource groupings, NUMA, and other policies which help maintain efficient utilization in heterogeneous resource environments.
Usage Accounting and Chargeback/Showback
- Improve Resource Usage Efficiency
As users and organizations receive feedback about their usage or even get charged for it, their usage behavior inevitably changes to drive improved overall efficiency. Accounting Manager is a fast, easy-to-use accounting management system that allows showback and chargeback for usage tracking and charging for resource or service usage in virtually any computing environments.
Power Optimization
- Reduce Costs by Optimizing Power Usage with Power Management / Green Computing
Moab is able to reduce the power state of idle nodes in order to reclaim unnecessary energy usage. It can also manage power utilized on a per-application basis using clock speed and P-state management.
- Accelerate Job Performance with Efficient Memory to Core Matching
Proper NUMA-aware placement of a job can improve run-time by as much as 250 percent due to better memory access and can improve GPU data transfer by as much as 300 percent.
Workflow Management
- Improve Administrator and End User Efficiency by Automating Tasks
Workflow management is an important capability which helps to automate both end-to-end workload and system processes. This eliminates manual intervention, thereby speeding processes and eliminating potential errors.
To speak to an Adaptive Computing solutions advisor, email us at info@adaptivecomputing.com or call us at +1 (239) 330-6093.