University of Cantabria Turns to Moab for HPC Suite Workload Management

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University of Cantabria


University of Cantabria


The Technological Development Centre of the University of Cantabria (CDTUC) in Spain is devoted to innovation where 14 commercial companies and 12 university research groups are currently working on projects. 77 percent of their projects are contracted projects with external organizations. They needed an HPC solution that would accelerate access to HPC compute resources and the innovation they drive. They turned to the combination of optimized Moab for the HPC Suite workload management on their existing SLURM resource manager.


Moab® Cloud for the HPC Suite with SLURM resource manager for HPC Cloud

  • Ability to integrate with their homegrown job submission and management portal using Moab Web Services
  • Optimized GPGPU scheduling and management to maximize utilization and minimize management of these processors to accelerate jobs
  • Intelligent allocation to prevent job failures so jobs started, especially by the external commercial groups, and completed without error or delay and without pushing up support costs
  • Future and maintenance reservations ensure that resources are available for key projects for each of the sharing organizations and groups and that the resources remain stable and reliable to maximize uptime


The Centre will realize significant benefits from the optimization Moab brings to their workload management including:

  • Optimizing service levels across multiple sharing groups with different priorities
  • Maximizing utilization and throughput leveraging existing tools
  • Enabling pay-for-use of the system for commercial organizations using the system

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