Adaptive Computing Frees up Cloud HPC for Researchers Fighting COVID-19

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On-Demand Data Center
Researchers Fighting COVID-19

Adaptive Computing is now making HPC access available for anyone working on COVID-19 related projects. Adaptive’s On-Demand Data Center solution makes it simple to scale computing resources to your workloads and run compute intensive models and simulations from remote locations. Adaptive Computing is providing temporary software licenses to researchers and scientists who are currently working from home during the coronavirus pandemic on any project related to COVID-19.

We want engineers and researchers to understand that On-Demand Data Center enables smooth transitioning of workloads to HPC resources in the cloud without requiring additional software tools or cloud knowledge,” said Art Allen, CEO, Adaptive Computing Enterprises, Inc.

On-Demand Data Center can run on a laptop, providing non-technical users fast access to the compute resources they need regardless of where they are working or located. In a matter of hours, you can leverage high-performance computing from home. Streamlined integration with AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud, and OTC is preconfigured and built into the On-Demand Data Center interface. Most of the cloud service providers are currently offering free compute time for COVID-19 related research projects as well.

Call: +1 239-309-0096 for licensing and training.
Or email: for more information.

For more information about COVID-19 research, see the COVID-19 High Performance Computing Consortium web site.

About Adaptive Computing

Adaptive Computing manages some of the world’s largest computing installations. Our leadership in IT decision engine software has been recognized with over 45 patents and more than over a decade of user experience battle-tested performance, resulting in a solid Fortune 500 and Top500 supercomputing customer base.

Adaptive Computing’s mission is to bring higher levels of decision, control, and self-optimization to the challenges of deploying and managing large and complex IT environments, enabling them to accelerate business performance at a reduced cost.

For more information or to request a NODUS POC, contact Sue DeGram, Director of Marketing at Adaptive Computing Enterprises, Inc.